Tuesday 11 October 2011

Pet Adoption

Pet Adoption Versus Animal Euthanasia
Animal euthanasia is the act of inducing death to an animal.  Euthanasia methods are designed to cause minimal pain and distress.  Most of the times, it is called the act of “putting asleep” an animal.  Meanwhile organizations like animal rescue groups and animal rights organizations strictly oppose this method.  They say pet adoption could dramatically reduce the number of animals being “put to sleep”.

There are many reasons for animal euthanasia.  Terminal illness, behavioural problems like aggression can be reasons for euthanasia.  While there are animal owners inducing their animals or pets to euthanasia when they have illnesses or broken limbs that requires big medical and financial attention.
Old age is also a common reason for animal or pet euthanasia.  Meanwhile for animal shelters, they induce euthanasia since they do not have enough space or room for an abandoned animal.  

According to Humane Society of the United States, there is an estimated 4 to 5 million of adoptable animals in animal shelters euthanized due to lack of facilities.  While American Humane Association cites even a bigger number, 9.6 million of animals in the United States are being euthanized every year.  

According to the survey conducted by the American Humane Association, out of the 1000 shelters who responded to the survey, 2.7 million of 4.3 million animals (64 percent) are being euthanized.  Out of this euthanized number, 56 percent are dogs and 71 percent are cats.  There 15 percent of dogs and 2 percent of cars were reunited with their owners.  Just a dismal 25 percent of dogs and 24 percent of cats were adopted. 
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Majority of the animals in shelters were being euthanized since there is a standard period of time (ranging from several days to weeks for unclaimed stray animals).  However, there are “no kill” shelters run by private and animal welfare organizations.  These “no kill” shelters make it an official policy never to euthanize animals for medical reasons.   
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Another reason why animal euthanasia is creeping to our culture is because of pet overpopulation.  There are numerous pet owners surrendering their pet due to personal reasons and inadequacy in taking responsibility for their pets.  There are also people who only wants puppies, once the puppies grow, they completely neglect them and eventually surrender them to shelters or rescue groups.  

There are owners who due to failure of spaying or neutering their animals tend to reproduce.  There are thousands of litters being born in American homes every day.  It is important to consider the financial and medical attention and responsibility these huge numbers of pet reproduction.  We do not want to contribute to the raising number of people surrendering their pets for adoption.  Eventually, leading to not being adopted and euthanasia. 
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Clearly, there is crisis in the pet population of the United States.  Too many animal companions competing for a few good homes than will take them is a clear effect of uncontrolled breeding. 

Dog bite victims are now ranging to 4.5 million each year, due to uncontrolled breeding. Some of the victims fall prey to homeless and stray animals in the streets.  They pose public danger, and the government is paying the people’s tax money in controlling these animals and maintaining animal shelters.  

Pet adoption is a great way of lessening the impact of the crisis in pet population.  Instead of buying pets from puppy mills or companies that breeds animals for profit, adopting an animal is a great way of reducing the number of euthanized animals in shelters.

There are countless benefits of pet adoption.  There are studies conducted saying the adopted pets are more loyal and devoted since they have already experienced the worst.  Pet adoption is a great way of reducing the number of animals in shelters and making way for another one.  Pet adoption battles euthanasia – one pet at a time.                                                                                                  

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